We are a friendly club made up of Students, Staff and Alumni of University of Aberdeen & RGU and Students of NESCOL, SRUC and The Open University. We are based at Butchart Recreation Centre in the Main Hall (offering distances up to 25m) during the indoor season and on the King's Pitches (offering distances up to 90m) at the UoA Campus during the outdoor season. We are as enthusiatic about archery as we are about socialising so whether you come along to training for the bows or the banter, there's something for everyone.

We offer a beginner's course in October/November and January/February, for those new to archery and own a wide selection of bows allowing members to shoot styles such as Barebow, Olympic Recurve, Flatbow and Longbow. We are lucky to have a diverse membership, so whatever style you shoot there will be people around to support you. All experience levels and physical abilities are encouraged to join! We also have good links with local clubs if more experienced archers wish to seek out extra coaching.
Our club competes at University level competitions, SSS and BUCS, and also compete within the Scottish Archery Association (SAA). We also have hosted competitions at the university such as the Scottish Tour and the Northern Area Indoor Championships, but also offer competition training and friendly competitions within the club.
From September until April we shoot and compete indoors, after April we move outside. We like to have fun so we also organise fun shoots and socials.

Have you always had your eye out for an archery club? Did you watch The Hunger Games and think: maybe I could do that? Or are you just looking for a relaxed group to socialise with that also gets you off your sofa? Whatever the reason, if you'd like to give it a try, don't hesitate! Archery is a great way to focus and take your mind off things, it gets you moving and some would say there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your arrow fly into the middle of the target. Sign up and get in touch so that we can get your archery journey started. We are looking forward to meeting you!
If you have any questions, please send us an email or a message on one of our social medias and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Who can become a member?
You can become a member of our club if you are a student/alumni/staff at the University of Aberdeen or Robert Gordon University or a Student of the North East of Scotland College, Scotland's Rural College or The Open University. Non-UoA students now have to dierectly affiliate with ArcheryGB, we will help you with this process; please ensure you buy the correct membership:
Student Membership - UoA Students
Associate Membership - RGU, NESCOL, SRUC & OU Students
Alumni/Staff - Staff members at or Alumni of UoA or RGU
Social Membership - Any AUSA Sports Union member
Please note that as of 2016/17, non-student members must be Archery GB affiliated through a non-university club. This has been put in place for all student archery clubs by Archery GB. The reduced membership fee for non-students is due to the club not covering the affiliation costs for these members. If you are Staff or Alumni, please get in touch and we will help you get affiliated with ArcheryGB, either through another local club or directly with ArcheryGB themselves.
We run taster/GIAG sessions at the beginning of each semester for new members to try archery before you join - please see our social media, the Whats On section of the AUSA wesite or our website for details of when these will be
We do not refund any memberships that have been used and therefore encurage you to contact us if you are on the fence about what membership you should go for before investing in your archery adventure with us.
Give it A Go Sessions
Saturday 1st Febeuary - 11:30 - 14:30 Butchart Recreation Centre Main Hall
Beginners Course
Our beginners course designed to teach the core aspects of Olympic Recurve and Barebow archery starts soon.
The first session of the course is free, however, for the sessions after we require you purchase a membership.
All equipment is supplied by us and no experience is needed!
The course sessions will be held indoors in the Butchart Recreation Centre Main Hall, the times and dates are as follows:
Wednesdays 17:30 - 19:30 (Feb 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th)
Saturdays 11:00 - 14:30 (Feb 8th & 15th)
Sign up: https://forms.gle/cxKp3MEgtXcXwwKN6
Training Times:
Butchart Main Hall
- Mondays 19:30 - 21:30 (15:30 - 17:30 on 27/01/25)
- Wednesdays 17:30 - 19:30
- Fridays 15:30 - 17:30
- Saturdays 11:00 - 14:30 (Except February 22nd due to hosting BUCS Northern Regional Qualifiers)
Outdoor: Will resume in April.
Code of Conduct
All members are required to abide by the following rules:
- Follow the safety rules of the range and the instruction of the Range Captain at all times;
- Attend and engage in training sessions, coaching sessions and workshops throughout the year;
- Be on time to help set up the range and collect equipment from the armoury, and remain to take down the range at the end of the shooting session;
- Treat all others with respect (on the range and off);
- Embrace a positive and considerate competitive spirit to avoid disturbing, upsetting, intimidating or deterring fellow archers;
- Be considerate of the committee’s time and effort in providing advice, coaching and equipment;
- Do not participate in training under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
- Abide by competition rules and respect judges’ decisions when in attendance to any internal or external competitions;
- Behave in a manner beyond reproach whilst representing AUAC and the University of Aberdeen at external events
- Take care of all property belonging to the club, Aberdeen Sports Village or any other archery club or facility;
- Return any equipment borrowed from the club by the end of the academic year;
- Do not touch another archer’s equipment without their prior permission;
- Be responsible for caring for your own equipment, clothing and property;
- Do not engage in any behaviour that constitutes any forms of abuse (physical, emotional, bullying).
As registered members of ArcheryGB, all club members must also abide by the code of conduct for ArcheryGB members and the ArcheryGB Rules of Shooting.
Contact details - email: archery@ausa.org.uk insta: auarchery facebook: Aberdeen University Archery Club + AUAC Members Only
Unless you are attending the beginners course, you must contact us about borrowing equipment before attending your first session if you do not own your own. You will be responsible for taking care of it during the outdoor season if not told otherwise.