Got an idea? Share it with us!


We're looking for your ideas on how we can improve student lives. Whether it's a small change that you think will make campus life easier, or a big policy idea that will influence the future of the University, we want to hear from you. 

Submit your idea on our ideas module below and let your fellow students decide which are taken forward.

To submit your idea, click ‘new idea’ and fill in the form on the next page. 

You can also vote now on ideas that your fellow students have submitted. 

If you have any questions, you can email


What will we do with your ideas?

Each month, we'll take the most popular ideas and our Elected Student Officers will consider how they can be implemented. 

If you're idea is for the establishment of a policy, we'll take it to our Student Council for them to deliberate on. 

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  • 2 score
    2 voters

    Reduce High School Students In Union and Library

    • Campus and Spaces
    • Welfare and Wellbeing
    The number of high school students at the university should be reduced, as they are contributing to longer wait times in the union. This is inconvenient for university students who have only an hour's break between classes. Many would like to grab a meal but find themselves waiting 30 minutes for their food, forcing them to eat quickly or, in some cases, not at all due to time constraints The library is also an issue with high school students as they are taking seats where students who pay to attend would like to sit
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