The Students' Union is led by five Elected Student Officers.
Elected Student Officers are full-time, paid representatives of the student body, and are elected for the following academic year each spring. These officers work together as a team, each focusing on their individual remit to represent you and drive forward your interests. Officers will collaborate on issues aiming to make positive changes at University, local and national levels. You can contact your Elected Student Officers via their social media channels, send them an email or find out more about what they do and their roles below.
General Duties of the Elected Student Officers
To represent the interests of the student body at all levels of study to the University, and to local and national bodies.
To be available for consultation with the student body, both formally and informally, and represent their interests appropriately.
To adhere to, and ensure the implementation of, policies passed by students.
To campaign for the rights and interests of the student body to the University, and locally and nationally.
To undertake additional responsibilities determined by Council, or General Meeting on issues for which they have responsibility as defined in Byelaw 5.
To report to the student body and the Council on their work.
Student President - Christina Schmid (She/Her)
Email: ausapresident@abdn.ac.uk
Christina's role is:
- To be the main student representative for the University of Aberdeen students.
- To lead on the input to University strategic initiatives and be the student leader on corporate governance meetings including representing students as a member of University Court and University Senate.
- To be the Chair of the Trustee Board.
- Coordinate the development and delivery of Sabbatical Officer team objectives.
- To liaise with the senior management of AUSA to ensure effective planning of AUSA services and activities.
- To oversee the implementation and upholding of AUSA’s Policy in accordance with the Constitution and promote and oversee the democratic structures of AUSA in accordance with the relevant Byelaws.
- To support the Foresterhill Committee, Qatar Campus Committee, and Section Groups.
- Oversee AUSA activities within the National Union of Students, serving as an ExOfficio delegate to the Annual Conference(s) of the NUS.
- To co-ordinate measures to encourage a student community which respects the diversity of its membership, in accordance with the Constitution.
- To support student volunteering, employability and skills development.
- To liaise with relevant personnel in regards to the marketing of the Student Association, reputation and risk management and ensure effective communication between AUSA and its membership.
Vice President for Activities - Tõnis Tilk
Email: ausaactivities@abdn.ac.uk
Tõnis' role is:
- To be the main representative on AUSA Activities, such as Student Groups, Societies, and Sports Clubs within the University, locally and nationally.
- To chair and support the Sports Union Committee and the Societies Union Committee, and to organise and support meetings of representatives of all recognised and affiliated AUSA Activities.
- To support and liaise with Student Groups on representational matters.
- To support the activities development of AUSA Activities.
- To ensure collaboration within the Sabbatical Team to support and implement relevant campaigns for AUSA Activities, in particular relating to welfare issues, and diversity and inclusion.
- To encourage involvement in all areas of AUSA Activities along with fitness and Wellbeing programmes.
- To represent Sports Clubs within the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) and SSS.
- To support the promotion and development of Intramural programmes and represent the students involved in Intramural sport.
- To organise and support meetings of representatives of all recognised Sports Clubs.
- To promote University sport throughout the community.
Vice President for Welfare - Karim Hurtig (He/Him)
Email: ausawelfare@abdn.ac.uk
Karim's role is:
- To be the main representative in welfare and housing matters within the University, locally and nationally.
- To campaign on welfare issues including, but not limited to, wellbeing, mental health, sexual health, student safety, and housing issues to ensure that students are equipped to be at their best academically.
- To chair and support the Welfare Committee.
- To support the welfare of Liberation and Section Forums.
- To ensure students have the skills and knowledge to campaign on welfare issues.
Vice President for Education - Miles Rothoerl (He/Him)
Email: ausaeducation@abdn.ac.uk
Miles' role is:
- To be the main representative on academic issues within the University, locally and nationally.
- To lead the work on issues of national higher education policy in consultation with the other officers and students through regular open forums.
- Co-ordinate and implement relevant campaigns on academic issues.
- To coordinate Class Representatives and School Conveners/Reps.
- Support students on academic issues that have wider policy implications, in consultation with the AUSA Advice and the Representative Services Department.
- To Chair and support the Education Committee.
- To support the Postgraduate Forum.
- To represent students as a member of University Senate.
- To support the Academic and Discipline-specific societies where appropriate.
Vice President for Communities - Ainhoa Burgos Aguilera (She/Her)
Email: ausacommunities@abdn.ac.uk
Ainhoa's role is:
- To be the main representative on matters relating to the local and student community to the University, locally and nationally.
- To be the main representative for students involved with societies, RAG and student groups within the University, locally and nationally.
- To organise and support sustainability, environmental and liberation activities within the University, locally and nationally.
- To organise and support campaigns and activities on sustainability, transport, and environment and ethics.
- To chair and support the Communities Committee and Environment and Ethics Committee.
- To support the Liberation Forums.