What is the SMHA?
The Student Mental Health Agreement outlines Aberdeen University Students Association (AUSA) and The University of Aberdeen’s (UoA) commitment to improving the mental wellbeing of all students through activities and initiatives.
By working together, we will enhance the inclusive environment and positive culture within our university community, supporting students to maintain positive mental health; manage problems, and support the prevention of mental ill-health.
The following agreed priorities have been informed by student consultation and support both AUSA and UoA strategies. We have mapped this effort, and our commitment to you, through the following five main working areas:

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Action Plan Summary

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Progress Updates
The agreement will be delivered by an annual action plan and will be reviewed and developed regularly. Progress reports will be uploaded to this page. You can also view these documents in accessibility mode by turning on our Accessibility Tool in the top right of the screen and opening the document
April 2022 Progress Report
The next progress report will be uploaded in: August 2022
Want to get involved?
If you would like to get involved in the SMHA project and its initiatives, please get in touch with the AUSA Vice President for Welfare by emailing ausawelfare@abdn.ac.uk
For resources and support for your mental health please visit:
AUSA Advice pages
The University of Aberdeen wellbeing and support pages