In Solidarity with Palestine

Statement of Support: Student Encampment

The UoA Students’ Union fully support our students right to peaceful protest and are proud to have an encampment on our campus in the North East of Scotland, which is part of a wider movement across the UK and globally. Our historic institution has a long history of students protesting global injustices across the world and this is no exception.

We would like to thank all students who have supported the encampment so far, whether by camping out on Elphinstone Lawn, participating in organised events and demonstrations, or donating much-needed supplies. The manner in which protesters have conducted themselves so far has been exemplary and is a shining example of student activism in the community.

The Students’ Union continues to condemn hate speech and violence in any form. The islamophobia, antisemitism, and disproportionate online hate our students have experienced during this time is unacceptable and speaks to the need for anti-racist education and training which needs to be addressed long-term.

Since the encampment was set up by the Palestinian Solidarity Society on May 6th the Students’ Union has been actively supporting students, working with support services and security to collectively ensure the safety of everyone involved. We have been mediating talks between encampment leaders and university officials from the very beginning and are continuing to facilitate discussions.

We stand with the encampment in calling for the University of Aberdeen to divest from all investments relating to the arms industry. No money intended for our education should be used to fund war directly or indirectly. As our small contribution the Students’ Union is committed to ensuring our financial investments align with our values and reflect student opinion, and to this end are currently undergoing a major review as part of our Ethical Framework.

The Students’ Union and its elected officers condemn the Israeli government’s actions targeting Palestinian lives resulting in the deaths of more than 35,000 men, women and children since October 7th, 2023. We call for an immediate ceasefire along with the release of all hostages taken on that day.

We urge the university to quickly address the demands of the encampment and join the campaign for peace, and we look forward to continuing to work together towards this shared goal.


Published: 27/05/2024



Israel-Palestine Humanitarian Crisis Statement:

Our students condemn the oppression and violence towards Palestinians by the Israeli government and military in the continuing historical Israel-Palestine conflict and occupation of land. We call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. Our students also condemn the terrorist attack in Israel on October the 7th and call for the release of all hostages taken on that day.

Our students and academic staff have witnessed complete silence and a lack of direct engagement in condemning the violence, including the vast civilian death toll; encompassing cultural, academic and healthcare infrastructures and peoples. This silence has only increased tensions on campus.

We want to break this silence and bring the community together to learn more about the conflict, join campaigning and fundraising for the Palestinian struggle, and promote opportunities for open conversations.

We condemn and want to tackle racism, islamophobia and antisemitism on campus, which are increasingly becoming a safety concern for our students. We have zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination. 

Get involved in the solidarity campaign led by our students.




How to get involved:

Support our Palestinian Solidarity Society and take part in the campaign.

  • Join the society
  • Follow on Instagram - uoa_palestinian_solidarity
  • For any queries contact -
  • Weekly vigils on Old Aberdeen Campus every Thursday at 12pm on Elphinstone Lawn to mourn the students and academic staff who have passed away in Gaza Universities.

For any queries on the working group email Students’ Union president



If you would like to get in touch with your peers, we have several active societies and

student groups for people from specific cultural and faith backgrounds.


Muslim Students Society – Aberdeen Uni Muslim Students’ Association


Jewish Students Society – Aberdeen J-Soc


Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Students’ Forum


You can get in touch with us to share your experience of hate speech or discrimination and we will support you regardless of your decision on taking any formal action. Your wellbeing during this difficult time is priority. Please get in touch:


For reporting harassment at the university, the online reporting tool enables anyone who has experienced any form of harassment to report the incident to the university. Staff, students and visitors to our campus can all use the tool, which can be used anonymously if preferred - you can submit a report here.  


Published: 05/03/2024