Hello, and on behalf of the Mooting Society, welcome to Aberdeen!
The Mooting Society is one of the original student societies at the University of Aberdeen aimed primarily at students studying law. Our focus is on those law students who wish to enter the legal profession, in particular those who wish to pursue a career in advocacy, and we organise a whole host of events, activities and competitions throughout the year that can help students along the way. We provide great opportunities for students to show that they have the skills necessary to enter professional legal practice. Membership of our Society and competing in our competitions looks great on your CV and helps develop members' abilities to handle legal materials and use them effectively, presenting arguments, working under pressure and to short time constraints and critically analysing legal problems. Employers today are looking for more than just a good degree. They are looking for students to show they have some of the practical skills set out above. Unlike any other law society on campus, the Mooting Society additionally offers the possibility for our mooters to undertake work experience at select sponsoring law firms upon winning one of our moots!
Our current roster of mock trials include:
We additionally compete in a number of external, national and international level mooting competitions as well as our annual Granite City Moot, against Robert Gordon University, undoubtedly the highlight in our mooting calendar! New to this year, we will also be holding a number of training sessions with our Master of Moots, Dr Jonathan Ainslie! So if you are new to mooting, fear not!
To make sure you get the full university experience, there are regular meetups for smaller events and socials to full society nights out. Everybody from any year is invited to join us. Some highlights of the year include:
Visit our website or follow us on our social media for updates on introductory events and how to get involved!
Committee 2024-25
President - Beth Doherty
Vice President - Mustafa Chughtai
Secretary - Ellie Jones
Senior Internal Moot Coordinator - Zofia Wojtanowska
Junior Internal Moot Coordinator - Annalisa Ristivojevic
Senior External Moot Coordinator - Brandon Innes
Junior External Moot Coordinator - Laura-Joy Gborjoh
Social Events Coordinator - Constance Nicholson Denis
Social Media Coordinator - Klaudia Mazur
Treasurer - Avika Bajaj