AURA Announcements

  • Mon 20 Jan 2025 10:07
    <@&1294620134672961658> First Clocktower of the term today! MR310, 5-10 PM! You can leave early or arrive late and should still be able to participate!
  • Sat 18 Jan 2025 12:47
    Hello @everyone! I hope you've had a good time over break and are all excited for Re-Freshers! We have a few cool things in store for you! **WELCOME WEEK STALL** We will be at Butchart on **Tuesday, 28 Jan, 10 AM-4 PM** to hang out and chat to you about our plans for the upcoming term! If you have a bit of time in between classes, come along! **PUB QUIZ** Test your knowledge of all things nerdy at our upcoming pub quiz, happening **Friday, 31 Jan, 6 PM, downstairs at the Blue Lamp!** The quiz will start at 6:30 PM. Entry is free and open to all, but you will need to pay for anything you might want to get from the bar. **RE-GIVE-IT-A-GO** As always, we are going to be running our Give-It-A-Go one-shot event! The event will take place on **Wednesday, 5 Feb, with games starting at 6 PM**, so arrivals are expected between 5:30-6 PM. We are now looking for volunteers to run games at the event! **SIGN-UPS are required**, as game space is limited. We will open the player sign-ups in a few weeks time, and will let everyone who is signed up know the location of their game via email on Tuesday, 4 Feb. **If you would like to run a game at our Re-GIAG, please sign up here by 28 Jan:** **AURA MERCH** Our merch sales are still ongoing and will close on **Sunday, 9 Feb!** For details, see this post: **BLOOD ON THE CLOCKTOWER** Our first game of the term will take place on **Monday, 20 Jan, 5-10 PM, in MR310,** and we will be there weekly from then on!

The Aberdeen Univeristy Roleplaying Association (AURA) exists to help connect fans of TTRPGs, Wargames, TCGs, LARPing, Board Games, and other activites, and to provide them with a space to play and any other resources they may need.

When it comes to setting up groups, we allow Game Masters to advertise their games through us, and give them access to room bookings. This is true both for continuing long-term games, as well as single-session one-shots. We also have an enormous library of rpg source books from various systems that we are happy to lend out to those interested, to help encourage people to play these games without needing to spend all your cash on the books.

In addition to setting up groups of players, in the past we have had large events such as pizza and boardgames, barbecues, pub quizes, bonfires, costume contests, and so forth. We are looking forward to being able to host these events again within physical safety guidelines in the future.

If you want to get more in touch with our community, we have a Discord group for our society as well (Join here:, which will allow for more cohesive and direct communication between members.

If you are interested in running your own campaign of games through AURA, please email us, and we can book a room for you and post an advertisement for players, or you can join our discord and do it yourself.

If you want to join a game through AURA, keep an eye on our Discord server, games are usually run on campus.

Finally, part of our goal is to provide a safe-space both for Game Masters and players, so if you are having difficulties with someone in your group and you want someone to help mediate the issue, then email us and we'll see what we can do.

We look forward to you joining our community, whether it be online or in-person. Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions or concerns.

Committee Members 2024/2025
Zuzanna Wróbel, President
Kirsty Morrice, Vice-President
Calvin Wallace, Treasurer
Craig Bainton, Secretary
Thunder Rothery, Social Convener
Ben Kantor, Webmaster
Robert Ferguson, Associate Member Representative
Ellie Parr, Live Action Roleplay Coordiantor
Wargaming Coordinator: VACANT
Griffon Todd, First Year Representative


AURA is now selling hoodies and hats. The hoodies are black and have our AURA logo on the left breast and large on the back in white embroidery. The hats are black with a white front panel with the AURA logo in black on it.

(Final hat design may vary)