AUSA is led by five elected students, known as sabbatical officers. 

They are full-time, paid representatives of the student body, and are elected for the following academic year each spring. These officers work together as a team, each focusing on their individual remit to represent you and drive forward your interests. Sabbaticals will collaborate on issues aiming to make positive changes at University, local and national levels. You can contact your Sabbs via social media channels, send them an email or find out more about what they do and their roles.

These officers are full-time, paid representatives of the student body, democratically elected each year by you, the students. Candidates running at the annual election propose a manifesto which, if elected, will determine the areas the officers will focus on whilst in post. The officers work together as a team for an academic year from the 1st July – 30the June, each focusing on their individual remit to make positive changes at university, local and national levels.

Your Sabbatical Officers for 2022/23 are:

Student President - Vanessa Mabonso Nzolo

Vice-President for Education - Akua Serwaa Agyeman

Vice-President for Communities - Camilo Torres Barragán

Vice-President for Welfare - Camilo Torres Barragán

Vice-President for Activities - Adam Lambert

Click here to get in touch with any of your Officer or learn more about what they do. 



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