If you are looking to learn how to do your first pull-up, muscle up or handstand we're the club for you.
About us:
Calisthenics is a new and increasingly popular sport involving various body weight excerises and challenging positions. Not only will you have fun while meeting like minded people, you will also improve your strength, flexibility and overall fitness. Our club is open to everybody who wants to challenge themselves whether you know what a planche is or not.
Our training sessions will take place on campus as well as the new Calisthenics Park built just outside campus. No equipment is required just come a long and we'll get you started.
Training Times for Spring Semester 2024: In the Butchart Centre MMA Hall
Tuesday: 18:00-19:30 ( First half of class is for everyone and second half for intermediate, beginners may stay and do there own thing)
Thursday. 19:30-21:00 (Everyone)
Look forward to:
We encourage everyone from all backgrounds to come and challenge your ability. If you are a fan of gymnastics, weight lifting or trying something new, Calisthenics is perfect place for you.
Contact details:
We want your input on how we can better represent you at the University and beyond. Share your thoughts in the Democracy Review Survey by February 17th at 10am for a chance to win prizes like a £50 Aberdeen Voucher, a £10 Aberdeen Voucher, or a Seagull Plushie. 2> Take the Survey Now!