News Article

Students to have their say on Union Street

Our Union Street Co-Founder Derrick Thomson is set to appear as the headline speaker at the University of Aberdeen Students’ Union AGM next week.


Our Union Street Co-Founder Derrick Thomson is set to appear as the headline speaker at the University of Aberdeen Students’ Union AGM next week. The prolific local businessman will provide an overview to students of the organisation’s plans for Aberdeen’s main thoroughfare – before opening the floor for students to voice their ideas to improve the city centre.

The event, to be held at Elphinstone Hall on the historic Old Aberdeen campus on Tuesday 14th November, will see hundreds of students get together to debate this and other important student-focussed topics before kicking-back and enjoying a celebration with free pizza and a ceilidh, courtesy of the Union.


Derrick said: "The University of Aberdeen is such a vibrant and integral part of the city of Aberdeen, and we are really excited to talk to the next generation of brilliant minds who will help shape the future of things we are starting right now at Our Union Street."


Students' Union President Vanessa Mobonzo Nzolo said:

"Following feedback from students we decided to make a discussion around the future of Aberdeen City Centre the headline topic for The AGM this year, and we are really looking forward to hearing our guests from Our Union Street's take on things.

"It's no secret that city centres across the country have struggled to adapt to the changing times. We hope that by including students in the discussion we can help make this a more welcoming and accessible space for all.

"This is a subject I personally feel really passionate about, and I know lots of our students do too so it should be a really valuable and exciting addition to our AGM!”


Students can register to attend The AGM for free at or contact for more information.