News Article

Students respond with anger and disappointment to University's Decision

Following the crucial meeting of University Court on the future of languages at the University of Aberdeen where they made the decision to cancel single degree programmes and put staff jobs at risk.


Following the crucial meeting of University Court on the future of languages at the
University of Aberdeen where they made the decision to cancel single degree
programmes and put staff jobs at risk:

Rhiannon Ledwell, Vice President for Education said:

“Court’s decision is incredibly disappointing. This outcome does not make a
commitment to protecting staff jobs, or our degree provisions. In fact, if the proposals
go through, 50% of staff within the department are still likely to lose their jobs. Axing
single Language Degrees, including Gaelic, before the end of the consultation,
makes a mockery of the entire process and is a serious violation of the University’s
own Gaelic Language Plan.

"Extending the consultation by a month is a tokenistic gesture at best and does not
allow for meaningful changes that could save both degrees and jobs. Once again,
the University of Aberdeen has left students in limbo, and staff fearing for their
futures and jobs over Christmas. This “solution” is cruel, unnecessary, and shows
how little that the University’s cares about its students and staff.”