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Students’ Union sign ‘first of its kind’ partnership to combat period pain among Aberdeen students

The University of Aberdeen Students’ Union has penned an innovative deal with period pain experts Myoovi.


The University of Aberdeen Students’ Union has penned an innovative deal with period pain experts Myoovi. The company, who specialise in drug-free pain relief for those suffering from conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS and IBS, will supply 75 devices for the SU to distribute free of charge to students – as well as offering support and guidance to those who need it.

The partnership represents an investment of almost £5,000 from the Students’ Union, made possible by a Development Trust Fund (DTF) grant secured earlier in the year.

Vice President for Welfare Sai Shraddha S. Viswanathan, who was instrumental in securing the deal, explained that this move is part of the Union’s wider strategy to help students struggling with menstrual pain and other related issues while studying.


She said:  “There is a very real stigma around talking about menstrual and reproductive health in academic settings and I hope this partnership can go some way to breaking down these barriers. As well as offering free, easy access to pain-relief, we are creating safe spaces for students to come to us and share their lived experiences so that we can better support their specific needs.

“We have seen unprecedented demand for the Myoovi devices with more than half our stock already in circulation, even before fully launching the programme – and it’s our hope that the University will recognise the extraordinary need for a service like this. Changes must be made to acknowledge these conditions as ‘good cause’ for taking time off while studying, or even when requesting an extension.

“There are massive mental and physical health implications for continually sweeping these issues under the rug and we need to break the cycle now.”



The devices can be signed out from the advice office in the Students’ Union Building on the Old Aberdeen campus. Any University of Aberdeen students wish to borrow a Myoovi device, or who are suffering ill-effects related to any of these issues, are encouraged to reach out by emailing