News Article

Student President

This article explains the role of the Student President.

The role of Student President is a full-time paid position for a year starting July 2024. The Student President is the main student representative for University of Aberdeen Students. All current students are eligible to stand for this post.

The Role of the Student President is to:

  • To be the main student representative for the University of Aberdeen students.
  • To lead on the input to University strategic initiatives and be the student leader on corporate governance meetings including representing students as a member of University Court and University Senate.
  • To be the Chair of the Trustee Board.
  • Coordinate the development and delivery of Sabbatical Officer team objectives.
  • To liaise with the senior management of AUSA to ensure effective planning of AUSA services and activities.
  • To oversee the implementation and upholding of AUSA’s Policy in accordance with the Constitution and promote and oversee the democratic structures of AUSA in accordance with the relevant Byelaws.
  • To support the Foresterhill Committee, Qatar Campus Committee, and Section Groups.
  • Oversee AUSA activities within the National Union of Students, serving as an ExOfficio delegate to the Annual Conference(s) of the NUS.
  • To co-ordinate measures to encourage a student community which respects the diversity of its membership, in accordance with the Constitution.
  • To support student volunteering, employability and skills development.
  • To liaise with relevant personnel in regards to the marketing of the Student Association, reputation and risk management and ensure effective communication between AUSA and its membership.

If you're interested in becoming our next Student President, get in touch now!