Updated: December 2024
Function |
Date last complated |
Last membership transfer |
November 2024 |
Last payment run made |
Thursday 19th December 2024 |
Next payment run scheduled for |
Thursday 9th January 2025 |
Balances last updated |
In progress |
A brief overview of what you need to know at this stage…
- Who will benefit?
- Why change?
- What will the benefits be, what are we doing, what will it look like?
- When will it be available?
- Where how can I access it?
Who will benefit?
- This platform has been devised by our website provider MSL based at Warwick University
- All activities members will have access to the platform, the committee members will benefit primarily.
Why change?
- We are aware of the feedback and frustrations you have experienced in the past regarding banking delegate access issues = this will no longer be required so saves time
- We currently have over 350 individual bank accounts and logins for all activities = all individual bank accounts will be closed and bring everything together into one account with different codes
- We will be able to analyse spending trends from across our multiple funding pots in place = e.g. Memberships/ SU Grants DT Grants/ capital including transport/ equipment/ coaching etc. to assist with your budgets in future
- Assist with activities record keeping and audit =including timeline, history, search function, cost centre & codes.
- In addition, we were informed that Bank of Scotland would begin to charge monthly fees to clubs and societies beginning January.
What will the benefits be?
- Existing processes have been streamlined = Quicker and easier
- A full timeline is recorded, and you can track your request status = No need to chase everyone for an update
- All activities members especially committee members will benefit and have access to SGF (if required) once their memberships are purchased = can request reimbursements or payments if required
- Assign appropriate permissions for authorisation levels = only see what is relevant to you
- The committee members will be notified when an action is required and note functions available = able to action in a timely manner
What are we doing?
- Implementing a new electronic dashboard
- Dashboard displays overview of orders and bank account balances (updated regularly)
- Electronic expense requests inc sales invoices and expenses
- Streamline transport invoices & coding costs
- Ensure compliance GDPR/Charity Law objectives
What will it look like?
Example activity individual members dashboard:
When will it be available?
- It will take time…we are implementing the live dashboard in batches throughout November & December
- We have already tested and trialled activities banking matters with our pilot group to understand the functions and benefits of the platform
- Feedback and adjustments have taken place to allow the system to Go live
- The activities team will notify your activity and keep you updated when your activity bank account funds will be frozen prior to being transferred across and access to the new platform granted
- Please be patient!
Where how can I access it?
- Your individual permissions will be accessible on your mobile or desktop with your login
- More information will be communicated as the project evolves, keep an eye on your weekly email updates and President's meeting etc.
Drop-In Sessions
- If you have any general queries or concerns about the launch of the Student Group Finance system, our office runs drop-in sessions in each week.
- Drop-In Sessions occur every Monday between 3:30PM to 4:30PM and every Thursday between 11:00AM to 12:00PM.
- Not a suitable time for you? Book an appointment here