Vehicle Hire Insurance, Breakdowns, Accidents and Damage

Emergency Response Procedures for Accidents or Breakdowns

Following these steps will help ensure your safety and prompt assistance in an emergency situation:


Important Safety Reminder

DO NOT drive any hired vehicle(s) after an accident or incident, or if you believe the vehicle is not roadworthy upon inspection.


Important Information for Away Fixtures/Events

If you are traveling to an away fixture or event and are unable to continue your journey, please contact the Students' Union Sports Office as soon as it is safe to do so. You can reach them at:


Important Information for Drivers 

Please note that any driver involved in an accident covered by the Students' Union insurance must notify their own vehicle insurance company, as this will still be classified as a fault claim. If they were only a driver covered only under the Students Union insurance, they do not need to notify anyone else. However, any claims or convictions must be declared when purchasing new motor insurance, unless the accident occurred more than five years ago. 


Endsleigh Insurance

We hold a motor policy with Endsleigh insurance to cover all temporary hired vehicles. The policy will provide cover for temporary hired vehicle, subject to the following conditions:

  • Gross vehicle weight is 3.5 tonnes or less (or 4.25 including disability equipment)
  • Vehicle has no more than 17 seats
  • The vehicle is being used within the UK. To drive outwith the UK an additional premium will be required, and there will be an increase in the excess for any damage claims.
  • Market value is under £60,000
  • The hire period is less than 15 days. For hires over 15 days we would look to obtain a separate quote for insurance.
  • The driver has been registered with the Students' Union


Temporary Hired Vehicle Damage - Applicable Costs

If we need to issue a damage claim through our insurance for any damage caused to a hired vehicle, please note the following:

  • The standard policy excess is £1,000.
  • An additional excess of £350 applies for drivers aged 18-20, and £100 for drivers aged 21-24.

If any damage claim is under £1,000, we will not process it through our insurance, and the Student Activity will be liable for the full cost. For claims over £1,000, the Student Activity will be responsible for any applicable excess amount. Please keep this in mind as you plan for future vehicle hires.

Additionally, our standard policy excess has increased from last year’s £250 due to the volume and value of damage claims in 2023/24.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out. Drive safe!


Should your vehicle breakdown, or be involved in an Accident and be unroadworthy

  • Assess the Situation: Remain calm and evaluate your surroundings.
    • Do not admit liability – you will be in shock and it’s not for you to say at this stage.
    • Make a note of who was in the other vehicles: how many people, a brief description and who was sat where.
    • Obtain names and addresses of any witnesses 
    • Make a sketch of the scene of the accident, noting down the time and date 
    • Take lots of pictures - of the scene and the damage - from various angles if safe to do so. Video footage is can prove invaluable too.  
  • Move Your Vehicle: If possible, safely relocate your vehicle to a secure area:
    • Leave the motorway at the nearest exit or pull into a service station.
    • If that’s not feasible, move to the hard shoulder, stopping as far left as possible with your wheels turned left.
  • Exit Your Vehicle Safely:
    • If it’s safe, exit through the left-hand door and move behind a safety barrier if available.
    • Keep a safe distance from your vehicle and traffic, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Stay in Your Vehicle if Necessary:
    • If exiting isn’t safe, remain inside with your seatbelt fastened and hazard lights activated.
  • Warn Other Traffic:
    • Turn on your hazard warning lights, even during the day.
    • At night, use side lights; in poor visibility, use fog lights.
    • If safe to do so, place your warning triangle 45 meters (about 147 feet) behind your vehicle. Do not place it on the motorway or dual carriageway, and avoid attempting repairs.
  • In Case of Fire:
    • If a vehicle fire develops, move far away from the vehicle and call emergency services.
  • Contact Breakdown Recovery Services:
    • Arnold Clark Breakdown Recovery: 0141 332 2622
    • Enterprise: During office hours: South Branch 01224 894679 or North Branch 01224 690099. Out of office hours: Enterprise Roadside Recovery 0800 316 0977.


If someone is injured:

  • Provide First Aid: If it’s safe and you are trained to do so, administer emergency first aid.
  • Contact Emergency Services: If needed, call emergency services and provide detailed information about the incident, including:
    • Inform the police within 24 hours if someone is injured, if someone leaves the scene or appears to be under the influence of substances, or if something about the situation doesn't feel right.
  • Move Uninjured Individuals to Safety: Safely relocate uninjured people away from vehicles, ensuring they are well away from traffic, the hard shoulder, and the central reservation.
  • Do Not Move Injured Individuals: Do not attempt to move injured people unless they are in immediate danger from fire or explosion.
  • Motorcyclists: Do not remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless absolutely necessary.
  • Stay on Scene: Remain at the scene until emergency services arrive to provide assistance.


Emergency Procedures for Disabled Drivers

If you have a disability that prevents you from following the standard emergency advice, please take the following steps:

  • Stay in Your Vehicle: Remain inside your vehicle to ensure your safety.

  • Activate Hazard Lights: Turn on your hazard warning lights to alert other drivers to your situation.

  • Display a 'Help' Sign: If possible, display a clear 'Help' sign in your window.

  • Contact Emergency Services:

    • If you have a mobile phone or car phone, call emergency services.
    • Be prepared to provide your exact location to assist them in reaching you quickly.

Following these steps will help ensure your safety and prompt assistance in an emergency situation.


Dealing with Obstructions

  1. Retrieve Items Safely: If anything falls from your vehicle (or another vehicle) onto the road, stop and retrieve it only if it is safe to do so.

  2. Motorway Safety: If you are on a motorway, do not attempt to remove the obstruction yourself. Instead, stop at the nearest emergency telephone and call for help.


How do I report damage to hired vehicle?

  • Notify Students' Union Sports Office: Contact the Students' Union Sports Office within 24 hours of the damage occurring.
  • Complete the QBE Motor Accident Report Form: Send the completed QBE Form to the Students' Union Sports Office at
  • For Damage to a Third-Party Vehicle: Collect third party contact details and insurance information and pass to the  Students' Union Sports Office. If the third party is unable to provide same, ask them to contact the Students' Union Sports Office via email with their insurance details. If the third party is not present, please leave the Students Union Sports Office contact information on the vehicle.
  • Collect contact information from any witnesses/Police
  • Vehicle Condition: If the hired vehicle is illegal or not roadworthy, do not drive it, and  proceed with contacting Breakdown services.
  • Responsi​bility: Responsibility for the vehicle begins upon delivery and continues until collection by the Vehicle Hire Company. The Student Activity is responsible for all costs associated with any damage caused to the hired vehicle.


If you have any queries relating to the above, please do not hesitate to contact :

Students' Union Sports Office | ASV | Linksfield Rd | Aberdeen, AB24 5RU | Tel: 01224 438975 | Email: