All Things BUCS and SSS!
British Universities & Colleges Sport
BUCS is the governing body for higher education sport in the UK.For over 100 years British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) has been at the forefront of university sport in the United Kingdom. BUCS works with its member institutions to get more students active more often, through traditional competitive sport and providing physical activity opportunities. BUCS is a world class higher education sport and physical activity experience, creating the most engaged university communities in the world. For a complete list of all BUCS Sports please follow this link,
Scottish Student Sport
SSS was formed in June 2005 as Scottish Universities Sportis the professional body for delivery and furthering of sports at university and college level. They engage with key partners, linking effectively with SGBs and other national bodies, and strive to reflect and represent the role which Scotland’s Universities & Colleges can play in the nation’s future health, physical activity and sporting success. Their aim is to add value to your work and help you realise your ambitions for Physical Activity and Sport. For a complete list of all SSS Sports please follow this link.
BUCS and SSS League and knockout programme
BUCS and SSS leagues fixtures run from October through till March, and fixture days vary depending on the competition (mostly Wednesdays and Saturdays). Teams from across Scotland come together to compete against other teams in their chosen sport. The BUCS and SSS knockout programmes run alongside the league campaign.
BUCS and SSS Events
BUCS and SSS Events run all year round covering a range of sport.
A full list of events can be found on the BUCS Events and SSS Events pages, where you can find entry information, deadlines, and opening dates by viewing the specific event page.
BUCS and SSS Eligibilty
For an individual to be eligible to participate in BUCS and SSS league, knockouts and events they must be a registered students of University of Aberdeen. For more information, see BUCS REG 4 Individual Eligibility.
A limited number of events allow guest entries allowing a person who is not a UoA student to enter a BUCS event and compete on behalf of the University. Guest entries: How to enter an event – BUCS
BUCS and SSS Event Entry Process
BUCSPlay / Playwaze: Every athlete who wishes to compete in a BUCS or SSS event must create a BUCS Play or SSS Playwaze account.
BUCS Individual Event: Once an event's entries open, participants will be able to apply to enter for their institution prior to the “Student Deadline”. If a participant misses the student deadline they will not be able to enter. Please see How to enter an individual event – BUCS
BUCS Team Events Entry Only Institution Administrators (IAs) i.e., Student's Union Sports Office can enter teams into events. Students will then be added into the events teams once they have applied. Once event entries open and prior to the “Team Entry Deadline” please email requesting no. of team(s) to be entered. Should the Captain/President wish to attend at the Students' Union Sports Office to process team event entries please Click here to book a meeting at least 5 working days before the Team Entry Deadline. Once the teams have been entered, participants can join the event similar to joining an individual event. Please see How participants apply to join event teams – BUCS
Deadlines: Please see How do deadlines for participants and Institution Administrators differ? – BUCS
Approval: After you have applied to enter an event there are two approval steps to confirm your participation: (1) Instution Administrator Approval and (2) BUCS Approval. Please see Understanding the event entry approval process
Guaranteed/Non-Guaranteed Places: This is when there are restrictions on athletes participating in the event. The “Gtd' entry will be granted entry in the first instance, and the 'Non gtd' entrants will then be ranked in best performance order within the qualification period and will fill the remaining spaces (if any) at that event. The “Gtd' entrant should be the athlete who you feel would provide the best performance over the qualification period.
Stage 2 Entries: Stage 2 entries (also known as late entries) will not be available for every event. If an event is utilising a stage 2 entry window, this will be listed on the specific event page on the BUCS website
Event withdrawal: Should you wish to withdraw from an event, please email who will advise the appropriate BUCS Event Lead.
Scores: If you win your event, please let the Students' Union Sports Office know on know and we can look to promote this to the wider student community.
Results: After the event has taken place, you will find the results/standings within the specific event page section on BUCS Play. Historic results for events and league and knockout competitions can still be found through the BUCS website.
Costs: All costs associated with event entry are covered by the Student Activity, and it is at their discretion whether they choose to cover this cost from the Student Activity bank account or ask each participant to contribute individually. The Students' Union Sports Office does not contribute towards event entry costs. However, Student Activities may be able to apply for a grant to help with funding Please see Finances and Funding (
BUCS & SSS Resources
BUCS Strategy please see here.
SSS Strategy please see here
BUCS Rules and Regulations, and Appendices can be found here.
SSS Regulations can be found under the appropriate sport here
BUCSPlay Help Guides can be found here
BUCSPlay Event Guide can be found here
If you have any queries relating to the above, please do not hesitate to contact :
Students' Union Sports Office | ASV | Linksfield Rd | Aberdeen, AB24 5RU | Tel: 01224 438975 | Email: