Key Dates/Deadlines

Deadlines for committee forms / applications

To help you know the important dates and deadlines that are coming up at a glance, we have created the below list for you.  Dates can change, so please keep checking your AUSA email where the most up to date information will always be sent if anything changes below.


Start date

Closing date

Who is it for?

Award application deadline Open 20th Febuary Sports and Societies
Granite City Challenge 1 March 15 March Sports

Reaffiliation for Sports Clubs

1 March

20 April

Sports Clubs

Reaffiliation for Societies

1 March

20 May


Activities Ball  19 March   All
Activities Conference (Committee training) April   All



For the most up to date information on events and campaign dates AUSA is running this academic year, please check the Google Calendar linked to your AUSA email address.



Who is it for?

Mental Health week 


All Students

Pride Month


All students