Finances and Funding


AUSA Grants

AUSA makes funds available to societies and sports clubs yearly. These funds are intended to help them create the best experience possible for students and support the core functions of societies and sports clubs. These are granted on a case by case basis and need is based on the criteria for each grant. As AUSA is a registered charity and is student lead, it must always try to ensure that its funding is being used as effectively as possible.  These grants are directly funded from the Sports Union and Societies Union fees. AUSA Student Groups are not eligible for any direct grants from AUSA. However, there are opportunities available to the Student Groups that AUSA can provide support with.  

Media Fund Grants

Guidance on completing your application

Applications are judged on the following criteria:

  • The overall application must be completed correctly and only applications that qualify under the criteria will be considered.
  • A clear link between application, media needs and budget.


The panel will consider applications for the following:

  • Specialised services from external supplier that is core to your activities needs.
  • Software/ licence/ subscription fees for editing, graphics, etc. where this is central to you core activities
  • External media coverage/ technical support for events.
  • Media related training courses
  • Equipment that is specific to your activity that is essential for the delivery of media services This should be central to your core activity as outline in your constitution and not able to be supplied by the Students’ Union.

The panel will not consider applications for the following:

  • Merchandise, flyers or posters.
  • Equipment that Students’ Union own and is actively lending to Student Activities
  • Clothing for personal use (i.e. hoodies/named t-shirts)
  • Food or drink
  • Hire of external venues for an event that could be held in university facilities free of charge


The applications are judged on the following criteria:

  • Demonstratable benefit to student body
  • Application has considered inclusivity and sustainability
  • Could not otherwise be done because of time, money, tech or other resource constraints.
  • Clearly recognisable as “Media related”

Society Grant 

Grants are now live and the deadline is the 31st of October 2024.

An email with the application form has been sent to all societies and activities.



Sports Union Grant: 


Grants are now live and the deadline is the 31st of October 2024.

An email with the application form has been sent to all societies and activities.



Student Experience Fund (Sports Clubs and Societies) 


The Student Experience Fund (SEF) is a grant that was created by the University of Aberdeen’s Development Trust. This money is donated by Alumni for the purpose of enhancing the student experience for students. The SFE grant is not intended to help with day to day functions but to help create opportunities that would not be available otherwise. This could be anything from making a conference affordable to your membership or bringing speakers to campus. It’s all about affecting the most students possible with the funds and creating a positive impact within the student community. The decision-making panel is made up of elected students, AUSA staff and staff from the Development Trust. Please apply through GAS 

Student Experience Fund (Student Groups and campaigns) 

The Student Experience Fund (SEF) is a grant that was created by the University of Aberdeen’s Development Trust. This grant is not for core running costs, but for investment into student groups that will help improve the student experience.? It’s all about creating a positive impact for the most students possible with the funds and the student community. This is applied to and awarded directly from the Development Trust. Timeline: This is usually made available in September/October. The applications are currently closed.

External funding  

Outside AUSA there are lots of different organisations looking to give financial support to students. We strongly encourage all student activities to look to governing bodies, lottery, and local council for funding opportunities. AUSA Staff is available to you to help go over applications or even flesh out an idea.  
Contact for support: 
Societies and Student Groups: 


One of the options to consider when seeking funding for your initiative is launching a fundraising initiative. Not only it is possible to gain funding necessary for your idea, but it is also an excellent opportunity to further promote your society and develop your campaigning and marketing skills.  


Sponsorships are a great way to create a mutually beneficial relationship with an organisation or a company, enabling societies to undertake their activities while providing exposure opportunity for companies. We encourage student activities to look for sponsorship opportunities which can prove to be fruitful, long term cooperation. Before signing up to sponsorship, you should check to ensure that you are signing up to a deal that you can deliver.  Please be sure to review all AUSA and union policies before signing up to any contract. 


All the information concerning banking and your societies, sports club or student group finances can be found on the skills’ hub. All presidents and treasurers should complete this training module before requesting access to their student activities’ bank account.