Event Description

Highland Wildlife Park

Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 7:30am - 6:30pm

Highland Wildlife Park Trip, Wednesday the 19th of March, all day (7:30am-18:30pm) 

Tickets are available now (on the AUZBS section of the AUSA website) or through this link: https://www.ausa.org.uk/organisation/7388/ 

Tickets include your entrance to the park and the coach, but does not include food so bring your own refreshments. As this is an education trip and the group will be given talks, your course may allow you to use it as an excused absence, but make sure you CHECK WITH YOUR COURSE COORDINATOR as all courses are different.

We will catch the coach at the Duncan Rice Library at 7:30 (make sure to be there at least 10 minutes beforehand) and will be dropped off back to the Duncan Rice LIbrary at 18:30