Friday 14 February 2025 from 9am – 1pm in King’s Pavilion
As an outcome from our student encampment in solidarity with Palestine, and the negotiations done with the university management, we are co-hosting the Citizen's Assembly on ‘How Can the University Respond to International Conflict?’.
This exciting and groundbreaking event will feature a mix of expert presentations and independently facilitated discussion sessions, enabling participants to share relevant concerns and issues in a ‘safe space’ and recommend potential solutions.
Speakers will include:
- Claire Hajaj – author and Deputy CEO of Inter Mediate
- Paul Gready, University of York
- Rebekah Widdowfield, University of St Andrews (plenary session facilitator)
Information about the event, including the programme and details of how staff and students can register an Expression of Interest in attending, is available on the University Assembly webpage.