Hi! I’m Ainhoa, a fourth-year Biology student with a strong enthusiasm for the outdoors and sustainability. I dream big, work hard and make it happen no matter what!
What are your three priorities for the year?
I will put all my efforts into…
1. Improving the accessibility and inclusivity in the university for a more diverse student community and fairer conditions for everyone by:
- Supporting the Environment and Ethics committee in lobbying the university to reduce the barriers that international students face.
- Supporting equality forums and groups for a more inclusive student community.
- Providing support to students with disabilities and improving accessibility on campus.
- Promoting zero tolerance towards discrimination.
- Providing support for mental health.
2. Making the university and the Students’ Union more sustainable by:
- Tackling waste and food waste through a Zero Waste initiative, and making the Union Building more energy-efficient.
- Encouraging and supporting societies and clubs in becoming more sustainable, providing the means to do so.
- Making sustainable transport more accessible by pushing for free bus tickets for students and for the improvement of roads and cycling lanes, making cycling safer in the city and expanding the bike rental scheme.
- Providing access to a “Tool library” with resources for the community to borrow materials and equipment.
- Opening a refillery store in the Union Building for students to buy eco-friendly, package-free products and staple food for cheap.
- Supporting climate activist groups in raising awareness about climate change.
3. Increasing biodiversity in the community by:
- Supporting the initiatives of the Environment and Ethics committee as well as societies and groups involved in environmental matters.
- Increasing and improving green spaces to make our campus a more suitable space for native wildlife.
- Promoting a litter-free campus to reduce pollution and improve the health of our wildlife.
- Collaborating with environmental organisations to provide training and opportunities for students to develop skills in protecting wildlife.
What unique skill/knowledge can you bring to the role to stand out from the other candidates?
Having been involved in the Environment and Ethics Committee, The Secret Garden Society, AberGreen, Shared Planet Society, Conservation Society and environmental groups like NESCAN and Fridays For Future, and being a certified Carbon Literate, I have knowledge and experience in improving biodiversity and promoting sustainability through initiatives like the Hedgehog-friendly campus and Bugtropolis, climate activism, outreach and workshops. I’ve also been involved in the Borderless Campaign through which we aim to minimise the hindrances that Tier 4 students face when coming to university to achieve fairer conditions. In addition, having been the president of The Secret Garden Society and of the Photography Society, has given me an insight into what can be improved in the Students’ Union.
What do you think is the biggest issue that students are facing at the moment and how do you plan to tackle it?
We’re currently going through hard times, where the cost of living crisis has become unbearable for many students. I am determined to push for lower prices to make the student life in Aberdeen more accessible for all and provide a more enjoyable experience. By improving this I’m also hoping to help with the mental health of those facing the struggle, as well as help students live a more sustainable life by making sustainable products and resources more affordable and accessible.