I am Stefano Giannaccini, a mature student of the prestigious University of Aberdeen.
I come from Italy, and after facing some hardship, I could come here in the UK, to work and study.
So far, I can say that my experience has been challenging, but also very exciting and gratifying.
I hope this might give some hope to others, which are facing hard times.
What are your three priorities for the year?
The first priority I would address, as VP of communities, is to help everyone feel included, not relegated to the outskirts of the University life, for any reason.
As a second point, I think that it would greatly benefit both students and staff of the University, to encourage contacts, exchanges, and collaboration among the different communities of the campus.
Finally, last but not least, I suggest reaching out for people outside of our communities and of our University, in the spirit of communication and dialogue, with the enrichment that this brings.
What unique skill/knowledge can you bring to the role to stand out from the other candidates?
I have had various experiences as a Class Representative for various courses that I have attended.
So far, from the first semester of the first year, I have always been in this role. The classes I have represented include those of BI1012 (2021-2022) Diversity of Life 1, CM1512 (2021-2022) Chemistry for the Life Sciences 2, BI20B2 (2022-23): Physiology of Human Cells, and SM2501 (2022-23): Research Skills for Medical Sciences.
As a Class Rep, my work mostly required to provide liason of communication between professors and students, mediating terms among members of a course and suggest ways to help students that might have faced difficulties.
Besides these experiences, since I am from another Country, I can bring a different view and opinion to the table, which could be added, in the perfect spirit of inclusion of communities.
What do you think is the biggest issue that students are facing at the moment and how do you plan to tackle it?
As a general problem, we are living now during a transitory period, of economic, political, and social nature, and various elements rise up tensions.
This might contribute to make students more vulnerable and might affect their emotional sphere.
The best way to address this is to defuse situations related to the various issues that could present themselves, to help embettering the quality of life of our students in any possible way.