
Candidate for the position of Vice President for Education

Image for Kirsten Koss

Kirsten Koss

For Representative Education for ALL, vote Kirsten Koss #1


I’m Kirsten, I'm studying History and Politics and I'm standing to be your next Vice President for Education. At university, I've been class rep for my Politics Class and for one of my History Classes. As an articulating student, I studied for two years at college where I was Depute President of the Students’ Association. My focus is creating an Inclusive and Truly Representative University.

What are your three priorities for the year?

As your VP for Education, I will:

  • Commit to Inclusive Transitions
    To be a truly inclusive university, we must ensure students from all walks of life are adequately supported during the transition to university study. I will commit to improving transitions for all, from International Students to students using Articulation or Widening Access pathways. To do this, I will consult with current and prospective students (at offer holder days), with Access Aberdeen and the International Centre. I will establish an Articulation and Widening Access Forum and I’ll ensure that international students are not cash cows. Aberdeen must be open to everyone. Your postcode – rich or poor, British or not – should not define your future – nor should the school or college you went to. It’s about time we broke down barriers to integration in our community. Furthermore, I’ll work with the university and teaching staff Unions to ensure all lectures can be attended remotely and that recordings are available for as many lectures as possible.
  • Revitalise the Class Rep System and Remuneration for School Convenors
    The current system is inadequate and as your VP for Education, I would conduct a root-and-branch review of the whole system. I would work to introduce a brand-new training system where trained students get paid to deliver interactive training workshops. This would provide job opportunities for students whilst also equipping Class Reps with the skills to become advocates for their classes. Additionally, I would look into remunerating School Convenors with bespoke training for this role.
  • Create an Aberdeen Students Forum
    Too often Student Politics is concentrated in the central belt. As your VP for Education, I will consult with local Students’ Associations to concentrate the Aberdeen Student Voice.

What unique skill/knowledge can you bring to the role to stand out from the other candidates? 

I have experience in the Student Movement on a local level, both as a class rep and as an elected officer at college, but I’ve also been a member of an SQA working group and I have spoken for students at the Scottish Parliament. I’m an active member of the NUS Scotland Steering Committee, I work training Class Reps all over Scotland for sparqs, and I’m involved in college inspections working for Education Scotland.

What do you think is the biggest issue that students are facing at the moment and how do you plan to tackle it? 

The cost-of-living crisis impacts every aspect of student life. As your VP for Education, I’ll introduce a number of measures to help alleviate pressures so students can focus on their education. I will:

  • lobby the university to abolish resit fees;
  • introduce a cost-of-graduation help fund;
  • implement a free breakfast initiative;
  • introduce warm private study spaces.

If you are worrying about finances, food or warmth you cannot fulfil your potential – I will work hard to make things easier.